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Wally Robertson - An accomplished professional speaker.

Founder and CEO of BDQ International, a Business Strategy, Planning and Operations consultancy, based in Raleigh, North Carolina and Ascot, England. Wally's dual nationality brings a quirky Anglo-American perspective to all his talks, radio and TV broadcasts, book recordings and voice-overs.
Wally has been accredited "Distinguished Toastmsaster" (DTM) by Toastmasters International

Appearances on: Television - Radio - Stage - Cinema - and the Audiences

On the Telly

Wally Robertson, Professional Speaker

Carolina Dental Associates
This advertisement features a British Aston Martin convertible. ABC Television's client wanted a British voice - I have one. Methinks the face however, didn't fit the bill. So this is a voice-over.

Raleigh Television Network
Several interviews on various aspects of business management.

On the Radio

VoiceAmerica - Partnership Networking
Go on a date or go steady?

Growing your customer base exponentially. Regular networking typically generates singular referrals. Wally will introduce Fearless Partnership Networking, and how to confidently exploit the value of unexpected business relationships utilizing joint campaigns, to dramatically expand customer bases and/or enhance customer relationships.
Should you 'Go on a Date', 'Go Steady' or 'Go Promiscuous'?

Triangle Radio Reading Service
Semi-regular volunteer news reader for TRRS in Raleigh, NC.
TRRS provides newspaper reading services for the visually impaired.

On the Stage

Topic - Business Definition.
The creation of simple systems for communicating what the business is about, where it's going and how it will get there. Simplicity, brevity, pragmatism and effective communication are key, to getting the whole company rowing in the same direction. Approaches for achieving lasting change.
Download the presentation

Topic - Future-Proof Internet
Internet - investment with growth. Managing the creation of practical, commercial, future proof, web sites. Achieving the business requirements for extendibility, marketability, sales-ability, as and when these aspects have business benefit. How to gain business control over the investment.

Topic - Personal Marketing.
Selling yourself, via the recruitment industry, when job hunting, or going independent. Find out how to discover and present what you really offer, on paper with sales impact, passion and confidence. Understand the truths about the recruitment process you're working within.
Personal Marketing on YouTube

On the Silver Screen

Occasionally venturing into Stand-Up comedy, Wally participated in an fun project, an indie movie, "The Comedy Show". Sadly this movie was inexplicably missed by National and International distributors. Nonetheless, IMDB here I be.

Speaker's Profile

Download Wal's profile

Speaking Clients

Association of Computer Machinery (ACM):
* ACM Palo Alto, CA
SQE ASM Conference, La Jolla San Diago
British Computer Society (BCS) UK:
* BCS Information Risk Management and Assurance group (BCS IRMA)
* BCS Software Testing group (BCS SIGIST)
* BCS Professional Services group (BCS CONSIG)
* BCS Project Management group (BCS PROMS-G).
Chambers of Commerce (CoC):
* CoC Fuquay-Verina NC
* CoC Raleigh NC
* CoC Reading UK
Federation of Small Businesses, Slough UK
Institute of Business Analysts (IIBA):
* IIBA Orange County, CA
* IIBA Research Triangle Park, NC
Institute of Directors (IoD) UK:
* IoD Manchester
North Carolina Financial Controllers, VP's of Finance & Financial Directors, VACO Raleigh NC
North Carolina Council on Economic Education (NCCEE)
Project Management Institute (PMI):
* PMI Las Vegas NV
* PMI Greensboro NC
* PMI Research Triangle Park NC
Professional Speakers' Association (PSA):
* PSA Birmingham UK
Raleigh Television Network (RTN)
Real Business Week Finance Expo, London UK
Riverside Business Club, London UK
Rotary International
* Rotary Raleigh, NC
* Rotary North Hills CC, NC
ShopLocalRaleigh, NC
Teabag Talent Community (TTC)
* TTC Nottinghamshire UK
* TTC Marlow UK

Photography by Leuty Photographics, +44 (0)1483 871817.

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